Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm not a Fan of carrying shit home!

Summer is around the corner in Paris, great time of the year, lots of Picnics, summer dresses and  smelly armpits in the metro, but that is a whole diffferent blog on its own.  I decided that this year I wanted to be prepared for the Parisian summer, which at times could reach 100 degrees in temperature , throw in an apartment with no ac in the mix and you are just asking for an uncomforatable summer.

So my plan was to go to the home electronics store to purchase a fan, while there pop into the sports store near by to get some dumbells. We decided to purchase the dumbells first since they were 20lbs and the fan seemd heavier to carry. Though i did try to convince my boyfriend to buy a portable ac he wasn't buying what i was selling. After my defeat we  started our journey home, livng in Paris you have to walk home or take some type of public transporation . We lived only  half a mile from the store so we decided to walk, which is unheard of in most of America. Hell coming from LA I've seen neighbors get in their car and drive down to the mail box to get the mail. Now that is a country of car loving people. I miss my car..Anyways  half a mile is like asking an american to walk home from a different city. Living in Paris  i've been brain washed to think its ok.. and seriously its ok. Unless you're carrying 20lbs worth of weights.... which seemed heavier and heavier with each step.  I didn't feel so bad since my boyfriend was carrying a big box filled with our heavy metal fan. I tried to comfort myself as my arm felt like it was going break off with the thought that my boyfriends arms were probably going to fall off as well.

When we arrived at the house 30 min later and my shoulders aching, i put down my dumbells waiting for my boyfriend to open the door, he too puts down his heavy fan . Once the door was open I lifted the fan to hand it to him. and thats when i realized i was bamboozed by my boyfriend, the fan was atleast 5  lbs lighter than my crazy dumbell baby i've been carrying around for .half a mile.  All my boyfriend had to say was that, i volunteered to carry the weights, which was true.  If I didn't want the fan so badly i would have asked him to carry it back to the store to return it, just to have some type of vindication. But as of today that has not happened. I'm not  fan of carrying shit home!

Bisous from Paris! M.M.

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