Friday, February 11, 2011

Good morning Paris

Another beautiful morning in Paris, the sun is shinning my elderly neighbor is out smoking his morning cig on his terrace. Lime green is the color of his sweater today very risque for paris where black is the most color anyone really wears.

And what about me? well I'm having my coffee looking out over the Palais Royal gardens in my USA shirt flag included(hey it was the only thing i found to sleep in last night). As many times as I've woken up and looked out my window into the gardens I'm still amazed that I'm living in Paris and what better place than an old Palais turned into luxurious flats, and it came with my very own version of the French Prince charming more about him later (french men are seriously their a whole different kind of man) , my life is like Pretty Woman part 2, minus being the hooker part.

Not bad for a girl filipino girl that grew up in the O.C. and not the glamorous part with the beaches and shit, the gritty O.C. Its funny where life takes you.

I don't know how I got here, I've never been the planner when it came to life, I believe that the universe takes you to your next destination. I got that from my Puertorican friend Aida, yoga loving , universe following Aida. Hey its better than being stressed out all the time with wondering if I'm checking all my boxes in the Apropriate amount of time. 25 meet the guy I'm going to marry, check, 27 get married, check, 29 have a nice corporate job, check.

At 26 all I had was the job and I was fine with it, at 27 i threw away my banking job and became a flight attendant. Hell when do you get a chance to fly around the world and have one of the top 10 sexy jobs. So I said fuck it, to the horror of my uber mother that believed in all else job stability and a money making.

I can say that being a flight attendant was the best 3 years of my life, oh the stories. Now I live in Paris and trying to find myself again, what can my next big girl job be? Who knows, I'm waiting for the next clue in this scavenger hunt we call life.

In the mean time I will enjoy my semi fairy tale life, and if you want you can follow along.

Bisous from Paris,